在全身心地投入写作之前,石黑一雄最大的爱好是音乐,他从15岁开始写歌,梦想成为莱纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)那样的歌手。“我开始用很多华丽的辞藻创作歌词”,当他20岁时,他的风格改变了,倾向于使用最简单的旋律、语言创作歌曲。“仿佛在写作,写歌词就算是写作的练习吧!”石黑一雄把自己的每一部作品都看做是一首“长版本的歌曲”,希望能够塑造一种氛围和情绪,吸引读者沉浸其中。
几个月后《别让我走》出版,村上看见书名《Never Let Me Go》大吃一惊,《Never Let Me Go》正是村上送给石黑一雄的大西顺子专辑里有收的曲目。《Never Let Me Go》收在大西顺子1995年发行的专辑《ビレッジ?バンガードII”》(Junko Onishi Live At The Village Vanguard 2)里,这首歌是一首50年代的爵士老歌,原作者为Jay Livingston&Ray Evans。
石黑一雄曾为史黛西·肯特于2007年发布的专辑《早安幸福Breakfast On The Morning Tram》写下4首歌词,作为一名小说家,其歌词作品显得有些冗长。对此,史黛西表示:这正是我欣赏他的地方,他跳脱了爵士乐歌词的创作框架,以长篇幅的文字歌词、完整叙述了一个人生情节或故事,这反而让我更能理解歌词的思想意境。
两人的相识也充满了戏剧性。2002年,石黑一雄曾参与BBC一档广播节目,作为嘉宾,他列出了自己最喜欢的8首歌,其中一首就是史黛西肯特的歌曲《They can't take that away from me》。之后,两人因此相识,并达成了一部爵士专辑的合作。
石黑一雄 歌词欣赏
The Changing Lights
Were we leaving Rio
Or were we in New York?
I remember bossa nova on the breeze
We were in the back seat
Of a cab we couldn't afford
You were holding my old rucksack on your knees You leaned towards your window
To see the traffic up ahead
"These commuters here," you said
"Could be the walking dead."
And we vowed to guard our dreams
From all the storms that lay ahead
From the winds of fear and age and compromise And we laughed about thehopelessness
Of so many peoples lives
As we slowly moved towards the changing lights
It was near Les Invalides
Or perhaps Trafalgar Square
It was late at night the city was asleep
You were clowning in the back seat
With some friends we'd found somewhere
The kind, back then, we always seemed to meet. There were those in this greatworld you said
Just fated to go far
And among the lucky ones
Were we inside that car
And your friends began to sing
When You Wish Upon A Star
And you clapped along like you didn't have a care But once I turned to glanceat you
As we drove across the square
And your face looked haunted in the changing lights
Was it last September?
It was autumn more or less
You were waiting to cross some busy boulevard Talking on your phone
To your family I guess
Your briefcase tucked up high beneath your arm
As I approached you turned around
A question in your eye
As though I might ignore you
And just simply walk on by
But we smiled and talked awhile
About each others lives
And once or twice I caught a wistful note
Then you moved towards the crossing
As the cars slowed to a halt
And we waved and parted beneath the changing lights
来源 | 凤凰文化